Sunday, July 3, 2011

First Post!

Hello Guys, This is my first post, but not my first blog though. I've had blogs in the past i've just never had the time to keep them updated! This one will be different though! You have my word. This blog is going to be where I just come to share my thoughts or how i'm feeling each day. So today has been pretty chill for me! I have been spending time with my family all day, our air conditioning is out right now though so i'm trying to survive because we all know how HOT it is outside! We are making it though! My niece is over our house too. She spends the weekend with us EVERY weekend! She is so advanced for her age and spoiled by my grandma so much! From today I have about a month and a week until I move to Jackson and start my college career. I'm getting very anxious and excited! I'm looking forward to going shopping for my apartment. I'm rooming with one of my friends from high school. His name is David. We just met this year, our Senior year of high school. He is a pretty cool dude. On another note, me and my best friend Brandi have hung out all week. We have done so much crazy stuff. I love that girl to death. Switching subjects, I'm SO EXCITED for BB 13!!!!!!! Looking forward to all the twists and the new and the old people who could possibly be returning to the show! I'm rooting for Season 12's Jeff and Jordan! They were my favorite from that season! The show premieres July 7th and you can bet that I will be right in front of my TV with a bowl of popcorn watching all the action play out! Then I will be up until 2 a.m. every night watching BB After Dark! I think I'm really addicted lol. Anyways, I think i'm going to stop this post right here because I could go on for days. Maybe I will have more to blog about tomorrow! Until next time, peace out!

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