Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm Back Like I Never Left!

Hey guys! So I know I've been missing from the blog for a while, but I am back now and ready to start providing you all with new posts! So just to update you on a few things, I am now officially moved in at Union University! I moved in August 19th. So I have been here for a little over a month now. I am loving it here at Union. Everyone is so kind, respectful, and sincere. You can definitely feel the Christ-centered community of the school. I think i am going to enjoy my four years here. I have already met and made friends with so many AWESOME people! I am only taking 12 credit hours this semester; however I am still being kept quite busy. My classes are still pretty chill at the moment. I have been doing lots of writing for my Written Comp I class though; but hey I am an English major so what can you expect right? I also have started to attend a church here in Jackson called Love and Truth. I really enjoy going to the service every Sunday and I am happy to be back in church after not attending in so long. I feel like God has led me where I am at right now in my life. I'm here for a reason. I'm at a great place in my life, I have so much going for me. When I first got here at Union I'll admit I was a bit nervous and scared of what life would be like on my own, but I have learned to adjust and deal. I'm learning so much about others and even myself that I feel like I would not have had the opportunity to do so anywhere else. I know there are things in my life that I can not control, but I am loving life right now and putting it in God's hands. Letting go and letting God. I do not want to make this post too long because I know I could go on forever telling about my awesome experiences here at Union so far! I think I will stop right here for now. Until next time guys! :)